Rest day...

Today is officially my rest day la..! I've been so busy the whole weekend and dun even have time for myself... Friday whole day doing the kindergarten proj.. saturday morning continued the sketch models and drawings again.. evening went to church.. then went back home with Jessica to do at least some drawings since I got 2 hours before the movie Beowolf.. (managed to finish one drawing! :P)

Sunday went to Kepong to play badminton.. Hafta practise and strengthen the communication between me and my partner.. After playing.. feel damn tired d.. went makan and went home.. Fetched Janice to my place to do homework together.. but instead I ended up napping for 2 hours... Jessica came over.. we do la homework till 1 am like that... went back sleep...

Monday I tot I have the whole day finish up all my crap.. 9.00 am in the morning, got a text from my badminton partner, Jackson that our event was brought forward to Monday afternoon! @.@ haih.. terpaksa la rush the models and stuff then at 2 sumthing prepare for the tourney.. went to college and played till 6.30pm.. then rush back home.. at 7.30pm.. went to pick Janice and Joseph up for caroling practice! After practice, came back and do summore models.. but energy level is super low.. my eyes was stuck to the TV screen.. did some crappy stuff..

Today.. woke up at 8.00am. Eyes were all swollen.. damn sleepy.. but forced myself to wake up.. went to Nikko Hotel for the visit.. gonna renovate the Japanese Restaurant.. mm.. no mood la now! after that went back college.. tutorial at 2.00pm.. Dahlah! he took like half an hour per student.. it's like 1-on-1 basis tutorial... dunno la.. duno what time the others stayed until.. what time ar Zi or Adelyn u guyz finished? But nevermind! yang paling i bo kam wan (means not satisfied with in hokkien) is.. He didnt even look at the models I did.. buang masa I aje! ish.. the drawings he was ok with me.. and he gave me some nice ideas I didnt tot of basically... hmm.. after that went to badminton court as umpire.. Jackson thru to the Final 4 for Singles event.. Yay! kudos...

Tomorrow will be my Mixed Doubles and Thursday is the Men Doubles Final!! ppl! come support me puhlease!! It's pretty tough.. hmm.. it's gonna be so tiring! God give me strength... wish me luck!

Better take more rest tonight.. of coz after my Tong Sui with Adelyn and the others.. muahaha.. yumm! :P

Signing out..

0 scoop(s) of icecream: