Geezzz! The moment I drove into Malacca.. Just after passing the toll at Ayer Keroh.. drivers there are already irritating the shit out of me! dang! So annoying!!!!!!!!! Firstly, the traffic is already heavy.. so many cars!? omgosh! I don't know where all these TORTOISES walked from! eerghh!! It took me 20 MINUTES to drive for a F*KIN 5 KM!!!! WTF! maximum speed was 40km/h!!! eekk! I can die trailing all these tortoise!!! SLOWPOKE!~ >:
Next, drivers there don't really know how to signal surprisingly! they main REMPUH into different lanes suka mak bapak datuk nenek diorang! omgosh!!!~ Like the road is their father's one! so teruk! eekkk!!! I really hate it driving in Malacca.. I was like "what happened to Malacca drivers?" Thank God my car plate number is CBS! :P memalufying! hmm... wat a disgrace!
Ohh... see this.. I was driving into town to fetch my Mum.. oh gosh! the usual 3 lane road became like a funnel! one lane! those huge buses just parked at the sides.. so many wokay! like full! I don't know what Minggu Melawat Melaka or something happening! god knows! Malacca changed a lot! too much development! It's so SCORCHING HOT there! keep sweating!I reached home.. went to aunt's place for mee rebus! so sedap! haha.. authentic Nyonya style! :P and met my cousin who is getting married! After eating, my grandaunts and cousins pull me into the gambling table.. played with them for 3 hours... before the wedding dinner.. *sempat!* haha.. oh! and I have to tell you this! My grandaunts all don't recognise me already! and better still, I forgot what to call them!? I was like "is this the second or the eldest one?".. and..."is this ee poh or kim poh?" hmm.. ee poh = granny/grampy's sister... kim poh = granny/grampy's sister in law~ those names la.. hahaha!~ They don't recognise me nvm la.. they asked if I am my cousin's husband-to-be! LOL! damn cute! I was like~ "ya! ni bini gua la~" hahahahaha.. (don't mind the baba accent~) And her wedding picture are so gorgeous! haha.. Here's two pictures taken durin the dinner~ :)
p/s : this post is a lil messy and lame~ ignore the marah-marah-inG~ and if you're a Malaccan, no offence but the way people's driving there is just irritating the hell out of me! and the weather! my goodness! Hail the Lord I'm back to my oh-so-much-better-weather PJ! woohoo!
2 scoop(s) of icecream:
where were you at MYSC????
DUH!!!! i was back in malacca la!!
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