Teaser of the Day
Thursday, 29 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:32 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
I've not been resting since Monday.. Been on the GO all day long for two consecutive days!
I need a BREAK!
Wednesday, 28 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 1:08 am 2 scoop(s) of icecream
Good ol'Malacca
Geezzz! The moment I drove into Malacca.. Just after passing the toll at Ayer Keroh.. drivers there are already irritating the shit out of me! dang! So annoying!!!!!!!!! Firstly, the traffic is already heavy.. so many cars!? omgosh! I don't know where all these TORTOISES walked from! eerghh!! It took me 20 MINUTES to drive for a F*KIN 5 KM!!!! WTF! maximum speed was 40km/h!!! eekk! I can die trailing all these tortoise!!! SLOWPOKE!~ >:
Next, drivers there don't really know how to signal surprisingly! they main REMPUH into different lanes suka mak bapak datuk nenek diorang! omgosh!!!~ Like the road is their father's one! so teruk! eekkk!!! I really hate it driving in Malacca.. I was like "what happened to Malacca drivers?" Thank God my car plate number is CBS! :P memalufying! hmm... wat a disgrace!
Ohh... see this.. I was driving into town to fetch my Mum.. oh gosh! the usual 3 lane road became like a funnel! one lane! those huge buses just parked at the sides.. so many wokay! like full! I don't know what Minggu Melawat Melaka or something happening! god knows! Malacca changed a lot! too much development! It's so SCORCHING HOT there! keep sweating!I reached home.. went to aunt's place for mee rebus! so sedap! haha.. authentic Nyonya style! :P and met my cousin who is getting married! After eating, my grandaunts and cousins pull me into the gambling table.. played with them for 3 hours... before the wedding dinner.. *sempat!* haha.. oh! and I have to tell you this! My grandaunts all don't recognise me already! and better still, I forgot what to call them!? I was like "is this the second or the eldest one?".. and..."is this ee poh or kim poh?" hmm.. ee poh = granny/grampy's sister... kim poh = granny/grampy's sister in law~ those names la.. hahaha!~ They don't recognise me nvm la.. they asked if I am my cousin's husband-to-be! LOL! damn cute! I was like~ "ya! ni bini gua la~" hahahahaha.. (don't mind the baba accent~) And her wedding picture are so gorgeous! haha.. Here's two pictures taken durin the dinner~ :)
p/s : this post is a lil messy and lame~ ignore the marah-marah-inG~ and if you're a Malaccan, no offence but the way people's driving there is just irritating the hell out of me! and the weather! my goodness! Hail the Lord I'm back to my oh-so-much-better-weather PJ! woohoo!
Monday, 26 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:42 am 2 scoop(s) of icecream
Bake Sale
The very much awaited event.. the very first one by the new committee of KBUIAD Club.. We present the Bake Sale! Come and customize your own desirable cupcakes and be pleased! There's yummy cookies, muffins and tarts~! Drop by and munch munch munch! :)
I can't wait!!! hehehe
*I want a cupcake!*
Friday, 23 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 1:33 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Here in My Home
I think by this time, most of you would've heard this song released last Friday.. I think it is one of the best English songs composed and created by a Malaysian.. I think the video is cute.. hmm..
I got a call from Samantha from White Board asking me to confirm the dates to start my intern.. I have not reply her yet.. Still confused.. hmm.. alright.. let me finish this retail project once and for all!! I miss home..
Thursday, 22 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:15 pm 0 scoop(s) of icecream
If Only #2
If only I would just shut up for that second~
If only you would just speak just that little bit more decent~
If only I work that little bit faster~
If only I could sleep that little earlier and wake up that little earlier~
My day would be just fine...
Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 1:46 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
7.45 am?
I just had my first badminton session after 2 months not touching the racquet! omgosh.. how rusty I am now.. stamina lost! hm.. must buck up!
Feeling energetic and not in the mood to do any assignment at all!
Adelyn just told me I need to meet her and Zizi for the movie-making thingy at 7.45 am! omgosh! so early! My brain still not functioning yet.. is it a good idea? General ZiZi... I wanna ZzZzZz longer la.. huhu.. So what should I order for breakfast tomorrow?
Wednesday, 21 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:12 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Hot Chocolate
Best Hot Chocolate is definitely at O Brien's!!!
Zi.. where's my Hot Chocolate?!
Tuesday, 20 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:56 pm 2 scoop(s) of icecream
Quake? Shake?
Did you feel the Quake? I felt it!! It was a sudden vigorous shiver.. hmm... scare me at that point of time!
Oh GAWD! my printer.. Why must you run out of ink when your services are critically needed?!! omgosh!!!! Now I need to find a solution to print or go get ink tomorrow morning! shiet~!!~!
It's all about $$$ nothing more than that $$$!!! haihz.. my hard earn cash! for printer ink! Chicken shit!
Back to work~
Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:35 am 1 scoop(s) of icecream
Don't Be Ambitious
If only you could finish your work in one day Martin.. Two long days in Great Eastern Mall and you're stuck with your essay? What crap did you write?! It was a mess! And what about your working drawing? Did you touch any of those? NO! What is going on with you!?!!
Monday, 19 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:09 am 5 scoop(s) of icecream
Busy Weekend
Marie Digby's showcase on Wednesday was great! will upload pictures once I get them from Zizi..
Interview was over yesterday... I think it went great! Probably might be booked for the job! muahahaha! It went surprisingly fast.. hmm..
Pinups for MQA already done! so tired! gotta sleep now before heading to Ampang Great Eastern Mall later to meet Vannitha and Gaythri for the Scramble Scrabble thingy..
Weekends gonna be hectic as I'll be co-organizing the Scramble Scrabble 2008 by Great Eastern Mall and Eventus Asia.. Bringing my PC there.. so hopefully can finish my essay and working drawing there! Can't wait..
Monday's gonna be public Holiday! and it means partay!! planning to go out kai kai or something! but that depends on the amount of completion for my assignments! erghh!! some classmates already done with prototype! eekk!! jeles!~
Tuesday submission for Mr Leong's Study Visit Report and Ms SinAi's Working drawing.. hafta finish!! hmm...
So it's gonna be a postless blog for these few days unless something really really exciting and interesting popped out of no where! :)
Friday, 16 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 11:06 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Picture of the Day
Thursday, 15 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:46 am 3 scoop(s) of icecream
I heard ya, Adelyn....
I don't know who reads my blog.. but if you are reading it.. check out this site and find yourself wiggling around with the oh-my-god-so-adorable honey bees and learn facts about berries! how cool is that!? I felt a little like Haagen Daaz are afraid to lose these berries then they'll have to drop some ice cream flavours from their menu.. hmm.. Go see! and yes Adelyn.. I sahut your cabaran already! haha~ let's see who's next.. then we'll have a whole committee of bees! LOL
Signing out
*omgosh! why am I damn free? I should've work on my essay! huhu~
Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 10:45 pm 4 scoop(s) of icecream
YAY!!! extension!~ one week! so cool!!~ huhu! So many things suddenly can be done already.. hmm.. at least don't need to rush! Alleluia!!~
Marie Digby's showcase tomorrow! woohoo!! I'm going.. I won Special Zone Tickets and her CD! so cool! :) thanks for that i-screwed-up-the-lyrics Say It Again version aired LIVE! Omgosh!! damn malu!!
So happy... and hungry :(
Signing out
Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 8:44 pm 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Planning My Time
10 Things I'm Expecting in 30 days
1. IDP Prototype Submission
2. IAC Essay Submission
3. PTS Working Drawing Submission
4. Internship interview
5. MQA Presentation
6. Scramble Scrabble
7. Cousin's Wedding
8. Singing for Mass
9. Going back to Malacca
10. ICT Penang Open Scrabble Championship 2008!!!
10 Ways of Ensuring I'm Prepared for these
1. Hoping to finish prototype by Wednesday
2. Procrastinating.. Probably writing it tomorrow
3. Untouched~ Collect dust adi..
4. Still looking for suitable outfit.. Portfolio *checked*
5. WTH.. It's not important~
6. Looking for a laptop to borrow.. Yummy benefits! *grin*
7. Promised! Sealed! Have to go~ Must finish all my stuff by next weekend!
8. Getting my throat fully cured.. It's been sore since God knows when~
9. Wash my car.. get enough rest.. find a companion~ hmm
10. Practise practise practise! haha..
1 and ONLY way to make sure everything's fine
Signing out
Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:53 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Slept at 1.00 am...
4.00 am
*alarm... alarm*
sleep back
4.30 am
*pat.. pat...*
got up.. get ready.. gonna fetch my housemate to KL Central Bus Terminal.. She's flying off to Kedah.. back to her hometown..
4.35 am
*press.. PRESS!!!*
ALAMAK!! lift rosak~ take staircase.. 4 floors down.. *barely even panting.. not even a lil!*
4.45 am
*OII!! OII!!!*
WTH!? that crazy bus conductors trying to lure customers to take the earlier buses.. crazy guys.. shouting like mad! macam nak gaduh! housemate left exactly at 4.45am to LCCT.. Me and Kathryn left for early breakfast!! went Dim Sum in SS2.. yummy...
6.00 am
*Press.. PRESSSSS!!!*
Aiyok.. Lift still rosak.. walk 4 floors up again..... -_-" *ok.. still no panting.. was quite full after the breakfast.. so a lil exercise will do..* reached home.. online~ check email.. blog jumping.. load my Pokemon~ muaahahhaa..
7.00 am
7.05 am
*knock!! knock!!*
Door opened.. "what is it?"... "Can you help me carry my luggage down the stairs? the lift still rosak~" but I just wanna sleep.. haihz... "OKAY!" Carry that luggage.. daymn! heavy siot!!! Gold bars loaded! haha.. walked down... swear to GOD! the staircase was so narrow.. I hit the railing.. "ouch!" The luggage wheel scratched my skin on my feet "ouch!" *okay.. at this stage still okay.. going down the stairs is not that tiring.. no panting :P.. okay! maybe a lil* Went back upstair... reach home~ *now I'm really panting!* calmed myself down and went to sleep...
7.25 am
*vibrate... vibrate...*
"yes?" "Eh.. no taxi.. can you fetch us outside?? we wanna take taxi there.. but so far to walk" "Aiyok.. okay.. I send you guys to the LRT station la.. wait~" Grabbed my keys and wallet and phone..
Lift still rosak! DAYMN! walked down the stairs again.. went picked them up and sent them to Taman Paramount LRT station.. then I drove home.. It was a very nice morning~ wanted to go jogging instead of sleeping coz I don't want anymore surprises!! but... the staircase had done enough for me... reach the apartment.. Lift is still ROSAK! apalar.. walked up again~ *okay this time is real panting!* Reached home! tak boleh tahan adi! went to SLEEP!
9.30 am
*knock knock*
I swear I was sleeping like a baby.. My housemate ask me how to go to the LCCT airport.. I said No and terus balik tiduR! hahaha.. So jahat.. but then I can't resume my sleep.. thinking ways to help her coz she left her IC with the housemate who is flying off at 11am.. But I couldn't think of anything.. In the end she drove to LCCT with Kathryn.. I was just too tired to follow.. I slept till 10 until Cani (the one in the airport) called me! ERGH! Betul betul can't sleep~ So many disruptions!..
10.30 am
Fine.. rise and shine! dun wanna sleep adi!
Sometimes I feel I'm just an oh-so-nice-person... haha...
Signing off
Friday, 9 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 10:39 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Random #2
I woke up very early today
I went to Klang for Bak Kut Teh breakfast with my housemates.. Met Chia Jie there..
I came back from Klang and slept
Still watching Pokemon...
I miss hometown... Mum Dad Bro Foood~!
Happy Mother's Day Mi... :)
Signing out
Thursday, 8 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:32 pm 0 scoop(s) of icecream
I won Marie Digby showcase Tix!!! yay!~!!~ haha.. don't know they will send me the GAP merchandise or not le~ hmm.. *cross fingers*
I ditched my assignments for 2 days already.. Omgosh!
I will be having tutorials with two lecturers tomorrow.. hopefully everything will turn out right~
I'm singing for a wedding this Saturday in SFX.. busy!
Adam is coming over on Friday for Scrabble Jamming!
I'm co-organising the Scrabble Scramble in Great Eastern Mall next weekend~ Busy
Cousin's getting married the weekend before final presentation!~ Oh NO!!!
I don't know when to start prototype! ergh.. malas wey~!
My housemates are back!!!~ yay!! The house so quiet without them~ but they are leaving tomorrow.. and by Friday.. everyone's gone! :( for TWO MISERABLE WEEKS! gonna miss their nuisance!! hehe
Addicted to Pokemon and watching them over these two days! shiet.. haha..
My bed is contaminated with two big FLEAS! haihz..
p/s FLEAS = my two annoying housemates who made lotsa noise and sleep on my bed~! :P
Signing out
Wednesday, 7 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 10:35 pm 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Espousing Zizi's and Adelyn post, ta da!! Mine's up next.. This is the only project in Year 2 which really tests my willingness to work hard and spit everything out! But I know I'd not work hard enough! Been very lazy.. and being lazy means less impressive work.. After spending more than 2 dreadful and dramatic months~ haha.. here's the final result..

Some 3D images produced.. was quite pleased with the results since we just started learning 3dMax.. :)




Thanks Zizi for the pictures.. and the yummy cupcakes! my housemates were so happy eating them~ haha.. expect more orders! LOL.. I've not started any of the assignments due tomorrow and Tuesday.. what happened to me.. I really don't know.. I wanna go Kiara Park jogging.. Jo had been asking me everyday! "did you exercise today?".. I don't wanna lie every single day.. ahaha at least I won't feel bad and can happily said I did! haha.. Can someone teman me? haihz.. don't wanna go alone~ :(
Signing out
Sunday, 4 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 11:55 am 2 scoop(s) of icecream
I'm really moved.. looking at my friend's achievements in life..
When we're in highschool.. no one would ever thought what will they be in life.. Looking at my friends.. the goals they set, the things they achieved and are always happy in their choices made me feel so happy for them.. yet envious.. I'm envious because they have goals in life.. they know what they wanna do.. wanna be and wanna reach in their life..
What do I have? I'm looking back at my own life.. my past.. my present.. Am I dreaming a lot for vague things to happen? I kept asking myself what goals I have in life? I felt I have none.. despite working hard in every assignments.. I realised I always gave up halfway or while reaching the end.. I am a perfectionist.. but during critical times.. I give up.. I don't think I like improving my work.. I just stick to the simplest way of handling stuff and end up being upset and hard on myself for not working just that little bit harder~ I have no one to blame but myself..
Coming out here to study was already a huge dilemma in my life.. Family matters* But I'd to strive~ and happily, I did went through a lot of things and I'm happy coz I've encountered and accomplished many good things.. Throughout my whole 21 years living... I've never been satisfied with things around me.. I don't know.. I'm getting lost... I'm hearing God's calling..
Sometimes, tears do help you release that pain inside..
Signing out
Friday, 2 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 12:58 am 0 scoop(s) of icecream
Happy Birthday Roomie
Oh.. it's 1st of May.. yes.. Labour Day.. a day of rest and relaxation~! but for my roomie.. it's his Big Day! 21st birthday somemore.. So last night, we went to Jaya One to have dinner.. We went to Tappers.. not a bad place.. things are quite cheap~ Chicken Chop's good.. but ERGH! I was drooling at that Braised Lamb on the menu.. waiting for everyone to order then I'm gonna order that Lamb thingy! it's only RM8.80. DAMN cheap! Me and PauPau was happily laughing already.. cant wait to order.. and when it's our turn to order.. we happily shouted BRAISED LAMB! that annoying waitress said "oh.. Lamb TAKDE~" how can you said no to this poor hungry fools who drool at the menu since the beginning of the order taking session! huhu~ there goes my appetite.. In the end, ate Chicken Chop.. Tak puas la.. eat.. although I'm quite full.. the taste buds are just not satisfied..
After dinner, we went to One Utama for Pool and Bowling.. ! OMgosh! it was damn JAM! and the parking in One Utama was full~ the parking entrance was closeD! haha... went there.. walked to the Center Court.. haha~ Fashion Show! stood there for an hour to watch! It was so cool! For Richard Tsen catwalk show.. He invited Dina Malaysian Idol to come and sing! firstly, there's this DRAG! and this lady dressed like a man.. came out from both sides of the stage and started dancing and shaking~ etc.. then Dina came out with her prowess vocals! OMGOSH! she was SO SO good!!! But her dress like trashbag la~ hahaha! She's like kena wrap in that RED trashbag!~ hmm.. housemate said she grew fatter! muaahaha.. *so bad* Then Amber Chia came walking out~ hmm.. Amber Chia is just an attention seeker! She's like walking.. then the fashion designer came out.. and held another model's hand.. she tiba tiba walk giler cepat and grab the designers arms from the back~ hahah~ then stand beside the designer during the photography session~ then just drag the designer back into backstage~ WTF?! she's like so crazy giler attention~ haihz.. Whole fashion show was just great! haha... Like it!
Played pool~ so fun~ Bowled a bit.. haha.. Then after One Utama.. went to makan in Kepong.. Had Curry Fish with rice.. It was okay la.. my housemates describe it like it's SO nice like that~ just fine la.. hehe.. nothing special tho~ I was sweating alot~ eatin spicy food! ergh! eek~ Came back home.. we prepared a surprise for the birthday boy already! We bought a table and swivel chair from IKEA.. they are both in white.. NICE! my idea la~ hahaha.. Now i got a new chair to use~ muahahaha !! *evil* I'm getting one for myself la.. it's so comfy sitting on that chair! haha.. We put two dozens of doughnuts on the table.. light a tealight candle.. and waited for him to get back.. he came back~ opened the room door~ eergh! expressionless.. start thanking everyone!~ all of us were like expecting some emotions or tears of laughter.. but no! err!! *potong stim!* After he blew the tealight candle.. I ran to the kitchen.. took a donut (AVP one.. the chocolate thing~) splatted it on his face~ and he suddenly got beard like Popeye's Bruno! hahaha~I got chocolate on my face too la~ thanks to him! everyone also kena~ hahaha... And they are playing in my room~! so expect the mess we've to clean up! erghh!!! my tissue habis dah~ :(
At 2 something.. after washing off the chocolate.. my head start buat pasal! got migraine! OMGOSH! so pain~ was halfdead! but everyone was happy playing! so so fun~ joined la~ played till 4am~ ahaha.. luckily crazy neighbour didnt come to our house with a stick! haha~ We on club music and started dancing at home.. Drank red wine.. and dance dance dance! hahaha! Then at 4am.. i went sleep str8~ My head weighed like a hundred pounds adi by that time!
Oh.. random.. my housemate Kathryn drank red wine last night.. i duno how much she drank~ today morning she woke up with a pair of swollen arms and a huge swollen BUTT! like her pyjamas became TIGHT OVERNIGHT! hahaha.. She's like walking around the house with a ghetto's bottoms.. haha.. damn hilarious~ Sit down also pain! hahaha.. started walking like a duck~ LMAO!!! okay.. Tired.. gonna sleep again~ Prototype~ laterz.....
Signing out
Thursday, 1 May 2008 | Whispered to Angel GabrIel at 1:34 pm 0 scoop(s) of icecream