What a F-A-B-O-lous day...

Oh.. today was marvelous!

Today was Mooncake Festival Praise and Worship in SFX.. it was emceed by Magdelene.. such a sweet gurl she was and co-hosted by Celestine and Janice.. erm.. The gathering was great as everyone was mingling and getting to know each other... I know I was quite a perfect stranger to the crowd tho! haha.. the Music Ministry people led by powerful vocal catalysts Janice, Patrick and Valerie blew everyone away with their rendition of 'The Lord is My Shepherd', 'Veni Yesu Amor Mi' and a Christmas song.. their powerful and soulful voices really touches our hearts indeed! good job guys... How I wish every week they could sing like this? Anyway, I already got tagged to come for the next choir practice! argh! haha...Cannot run away... but it's ok.. the learning never end... hahaha

After Mooncake Festival, fetched Jo and Ann.J home... Ann.J or Ann Jessica is my catechism classmate like way during my primary school till Form4 where we got confirmed together.. haha.. it's been a while.. ya.. She's a new addition to the bunch of wackos in the church's youth. haha! After dropping Ann.J off, me and Jo sped off to Starbucks... Jo got me Blackberry Green Tea! haha.. was craving for it! It was SOooOoo Good! haha... was rushing.. so dropped Jo home after that and went str8 back home coz John was waiting for me for 'Hairspray' at OneU GSC!!! hahaha canot wait to watch it! haha

The movie was Superdiduperfantasticomarvolosso watever u wanna call it but it's a great movie! my feet was tapping the whole entire show.. that explains my sore feet i'm having now.. arh... hahaa! It made me realised how it feel being Big but Beautiful.. 'Tracy' the main character was so syrupy and cheerful.. dances her way to make people smile.. without hesitating to move her body tho she was fat indeed and short! so me..! haha.. I was once an introvert.. barely dare to like even mix around with my bunch of frens' frens just because i dun look cool and goodlooking enough being around them.. they had great hair, superb body, nice ass, perfect face, die-hard-Brad-Pitt's charm.. unlike me, I had a shy soul hiding behind this stoutness I carry..

So what if I'm fat? so what if I'm big? so what if I'm not the boy next door? so what if I'm different? not conventional as other 'hot guys' like the girls always describe? I'm me.. and I'm exclusive... I know that now! In whatever I do, I know I tried to emulate someone I am not! I try to put on a mask to cover my imperfections.. Am I a perfectionist? I might be.. All these insecurities... grievances.. envies... dreams.. I mean impossible hopes it seems...

BRUSHED ASIDE BABY!!! I'm Me! Me Me Me!! So you itchy ass out there who bitches about me! no no no! I won't be easily crushed like I used to be!

Signing out.. bathing time!

0 scoop(s) of icecream: