When it's time to go...

There must be an end for something good.. at least it was good.. I ended my internship on 28th August 2008.. It was indeed a great experience and I made real good friends! Eventhough 59 days passed so fast, I think I'd learnt a lot from this short period of time..

White Board Studio
The four trouble makers in the office~

Oh.. class will resume in 3 weeks.. I've been resting a lot since I stopped working and now it's battle time for the Scrabble Nationals.. Then vacation vacation~ I'm still waiting for my lappie..

Hm.. These days, there's nothing much to write about in my blog.. even Zizi doesnt update that often anymore.. yes! I know your connection like Slowpoke! :P Windows Live Messenger is killing me! ergh! stupid! geramz...! I can't wait to go back to Malacca.. and my baby has not arrive yet!!! Benci giler! so slow! Till then, I think I better get some good rest.. rejuvenate and start saving! My wallet is drying up due to too many leisure and entertainment!

*will be feeding on sandwich this whole week~

0 scoop(s) of icecream: