You know what they say about keeping quiet, they are just jealous that they can't stop talking and you can!
Part of my nature of keeping really quiet and speechless, I realised that it's very meditative and soothing. However, this gesture could stir some thoughts of you being cocky, unfriendly, unapproachable or unmannered. Whew! Being silent is a crime indeed; unless you're in the library or in the court!
I don't know what people may think of me when I just want to be extremely quiet and not speak but just smile. Sometimes, when someone talks to me; trying to fit "Hey! How are you long time no see how you have been its been a while since we talked are you married with kids or no kids and yes I am married now for 3 months and my wife is stunning!" in a 10 seconds conversation, I just smile and walked away. Call me arrogant then, I don't care. At least I smiled! :)
Some people try too hard to please someone in a conversation too. They started talking about things and as the conversation runs drier and blander, they will start boasting and bragging about their goods whilst trying their very best to sweep the bad under the carpet as quickly without anyone noticing. In my humble mind, I would rather they just shut up! Am I right or right?
Soon, people would realise that you don't need to talk in order to please someone. It takes a simple step but millions of muscles to work a smile!