
OMGosh!!! This weekend is crazy! like Zizi said.. crazy!!! I dun know man! Tonight will be Cafe Immaculatte @ SFX.. It's gonna be cool~ Adelyn and FoongWai is coming! huhu.. I hope today, many will turn up.. I know tomorrow's going to be crazy! haha.. The Cafe Immaculatte will run over 2 days.. It'll be great.. just laid back music and singing.. and a very cosy relaxed ambience.. Hm.. cant wait!

Assignments is also stressing me up now~ I felt lost.. I dun know.. argh! HeLP!

Praise the Lord for keeping me healthy and strong now... I need the willpower and wisdom! God Help!

I gotta sleep now before I go snoozing in the GYM@SFX.. hehe

p/s : GYM - Gonzaga Youth Ministry , SFX - St. Francis Xavier Church, Jalan Gasing

Signing out..

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