I've to thank Anisha for coming to see me today perform in Pyramid.. It was so sweet of her.. and her sister too.. Mitra.. ~

Have to also thank Alvin for coming and watch the performance.. hope it's nice and u guyz enjoyed it..

Immense gratitude to Venessa!!!! thanks for the JCo Donuts..~ It's SOOOOO sedap... like Julius said, "It's orgasmic!!" LoL.. It's really good!! yummay~

So tired.. been to 5 houses today.. and a mall.. every house.. they prepare like banquet for us with SO many good food.. Shepherd's pie, Salad, Pasta, Chicken, Stew, Dessert and Bailey Cheese Cake - highlight of the night!!! I'm officially heavier by at least 3kgs... Enjoying life it seem.. tomorrow is the submission for the kindergarten~ *sigh

The SFX Caroling team which includes me will be performing LIVE on air for NTV7, The Breakfast Show and I bet it's worth waking up for!!!! It'll be on the 25th of December between 8 a.m to 10 a.m~ It's LIVE! so nice~ I can't wait.. hopefully I don't put a sleepy groggy face when I'm on air.. PEOPLE! Please wake up early and switch on your TV and see me k? ha ha! I just lurve the attention aye?

Signing out.. *bloated*

2 scoop(s) of icecream:

theclaireychan said...

aiks u were at pyramid today? i went to curve today! no wonder didnt see you.


i wanna see you on the breakfast show !! i'll TRY to wake up early. but i think they'd put you towards the end. save the best for the last! :)

GabrIel said...

I'll be singing in Marche from 22-24Dec at 7pm daily... hmm... U better see then~ haha! come marche see me la! hahaha! it's only 3 days left..